Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Tried to Flag a Ride Didn't Nobody Seem to Know Me Babe

For those that know me, you know I speak in a lot of metaphors. People hate being told what to do, but they love a good metaphor. So what's a metaphor? For grinning I guess.

We have a lot of crossroads in our lives. some say you meet the Devil at the crossroads and you can sell your soul there.

Truth is, you can. The problem is, people don't recognize who that Devil is.

Before I tell you, let's look at another Crossroads.

Pretty familiar, isn't it?

The fact is, if we think about what's at the center point of a Medicine Wheel, the lesson gets a little more clear, and also a bit more eerie.

You are at the center of the Crossroads. This is because, not that you are the center of the Universe, but that you have the choice to make every decision, every moment in which way you turn at the Crossroads.

Some turns will be straight on, some at an angle, but you always have the choice.

You are the Devil at the crossroads. You decide what you will sell your soul to be.

You sell your soul to yourself.

We all do it.