Thursday, September 13, 2012

Breaking in

I sit here on the plane, thousands of feet in the air, reading a book that causes my heart to break wide open with every passage. Causing my attention to the moment to bring tears to my eyes as I don my medicine wheel pendant and realize with a tear-choked chuckle that everything I ever needed was right here with me all along.

It is painful to stay in the present moment right now with the realities of my worst transgressions all flooding into memory, forcing me to acknowledge things I have hidden from myself for years and continually made excuses for.

There has always been a distraction that has been available for this purpose. Even this blog now is distracting me from realizing the depths of these issues stuck on a plane surrounded by strangers.

Descending into Denver, Co now the mountain state I have visited once and would love to take an extended visit to again.